The Freedom Divide

As I reflect on my life and see all the ridiculous chaos around me from bad news, global insurrections, uprisings to gang violence, prejudism, and acts of hatred to name a few I am caught in the middle of a chasm that – to be honest – is something I feel have created: its what I call the Freedom Divide. 

The Freedom Divide is not just something geographic, cultural, or social. The divide is created by our very own “decision” forces that binds us to something, rather than letting ourselves be free from that bond.

These bonds can vary from:

  • Friendships we hold
  • Family members we have close to heart,
  • Significant others we care for
  • Objects of affection such as watches, homes, cars
  • Feelings toward events such as birthdays, promotions and travel experiences
  • Viewpoints on subject matters
  • Discussions with others

If you are catching my drift bonds are everywhere which tie us done. How? It has to do with how we identify ourselves with others, our beliefs, and our objects.

In 99.9% of cases we are always taking action considering something we believe. But the issue again is that it is our very own essence that ties us down to something. These ties are locked between subliminal forces that have negative and positive polarities.

Every action does indeed have an equal and opposite reaction. Every negative belief is derived by a positive one, and vice-versa. Where we have friends, we have enemies.

Polarities exist on a scale at a hidden level indicating cause and effect but there is another layer defined as states that we need to get deeper in to and that is what I call the “knot” and the “unfasten” state – this is traditionally known as being attached and unattached. The problem is that many people can’t really define this so I will stick with knot and unfasten.

Here is the formula: whether you have a cause and effect that is either negative or positive or both, you can enter into either knotted or unfastened states. The reason it is a state is many get locked into a sustained positioned over an indefinite period of time and they can’t seem to get out of out – not getting out of it is the reason why you are not free – hence, you are on one side of the Freedom Divide and not the other.

It’s like telling a lie. Once you tell a lie, you tell another and another, and there is no end. Gambling is another example.

Could it be that like lying, or gambling that many of us have addictions to things and beliefs that we believe are not harmful at the materialistic physical level, when indeed it is harmful at the non-materialistic invisible level?

I believe people are like uncaged birds, their beliefs are like uncaged birds, and their thoughts are like uncaged birds – but when I listen to them the truth is that they are caged. Every idea is tied to something that they are so passionately in love with. They get joy in showing off their new clothes or car or home. They take pride in talking about the all the great things they have done in life and their experiences.

Can people just shut up and be?

Most people are jeopardizing their freedom by communicating to others what THEY want, rather than what the other person wants or what they want to hear. They are so attached to their belief system that they “believe” others should believe what they believe. The freedom cage has already locked them in and the Freedom Divide can become a hugh chasm to overcome.

Real democracy is achieved simply by being in your own belief system without imposing any thoughts on others and practicing “collaborative co-existence” to not be swayed by others beliefs, while you hold your beliefs to your own.

It appears as if in many cases we are learning about collaborative co-existence but we have issues getting over our own stubbornness, jealousies, hatred, and prejudices. Anytime you lock yourself into this you should try annihilating it by doing the complete opposite.

Sometimes being free is not arguing with anyone. Not hating anyone. Not turning on the news. Not maintaining too many social connections. Not getting too attached to things.

The conversion of these things to neutral objects is the idea. Convert an argument to a discussion, convert hatred toward someone as an opportunity to give a compliment even if it is their smile, convert the bad news to a positive youtube video, convert large social gatherings to intimate gathering of 2-3 people.

There is only one way to live life and that is according to your own terms while letting others live by their terms. No other way. These are things I am working toward but it is a long road to travel.

Unfasten ALL your chains in life and you will really learn what freedom is. It can be achieved at the personal level but if you keep holding on to ideas and things you will be enjoying your so-called freedom inside a cage that you put yourself in to.