Destroy the Conscious Prison System

In my last post, I briefly explained how you became an inmate of the Conscious Prison System.

Breaking away is a tough act because the reason why you actually got in there in the first place is largely due to self-guilt. This is similar to traditional court systems where a judge with a jury makes a decision to find an individual guilty, and and then gives them a sentencing decision based on the facts presented.

The only difference with sentencing decisions the traditional judicial way is that when self-guilt occurs, the judge, jury, and the decision are all in one place – you – as opposed to several which makes it tougher to break free. This means that to find your self-innocence you must undo each of these 3 areas – the judge, the jury, and the sentencing decision to create the plan to break free.

The challenge you will face is that in traditional court setting where evidence is provided to prove guilt, in the Conscious Prison System, the evidence is deeply hidden within, so unravelling the layers and layers of guilt can be a timely process. Moreover, the sentence for how long you are in prison is actually set by you based on the decision.

A plan must be created with the goal to undo the self-guilt of the sentence time first and then take it back to the decision. Many layers of 4 factors presented in my previous post – judgments, trophism, beliefs, and fears – have been placed over you that you are now severely attached to and these very concepts are buried in years of turmoil that are hidden from sight but secretly build the case for your self-sentencing.

The plan must begin by understanding the negative result of the attachments to the 4 factors mentioned above. What many don’t understand is that the stress, frustrations, anxiety, lack of self-worth, and constant self-abuse that are placed on your mind and body and driven by you, are not even created by you. They are have been created by conditions around you.

Keep these rules in mind as a result of being born:

  1. Every object (human, material) is conditioned – even nature is disrupted by man, weather, seasons, and elements.
  2. Every situation or object exists to give you a struggle so you can learn to overcome – nothing ever moves in a straight line.
  3. Living life is solving problems not just for yourself and others – the hidden mystery of life is a never-ending journey of discovery.
  4. Pressure, even a small motivational push, is needed to move somewhere – every action has a force that results in equal and opposite reaction.
  5. Every state of an object, thing, or emotion has a shift between good and bad – there is nothing one-sided in life.

Resistance to the rules above lead to feelings of hatred, greed, jealousy, anger, and egoism. These germinate due to a misunderstanding of the hidden chaos around you. You seek peace because of these things, but you must have a firm understanding of chaos to understand peace.

There are some steps that you have to take to put your plan in action:

  1. You must develop complete awareness of the negative actions to your body and mind as a result of these pain areas. Deep introspection of the pain and suffering caused by the factors and is the first step in the act of undoing. It is a complete awareness of the negative consequence to you.
  2. You must develop awareness of why these negative consequences were created. For that you must look at the individual or event that started the downturn. What you will find here is that the very negative beliefs or fears others place on you is not because of you, but it is due to an undervaluation of the individuals who are sending those beliefs your way. They themselves have been conditioned as well and have an obligation to pass things down to you as a means of overcoming their own shortcomings.
  3. You must understand the opposite polarity of the negative action that is given by others that is clouding you. Understanding that the flaws of others are a result of their own negative actions toward you. Once awareness is gained, you have to seek to find at the moment when negativity is given your way, what positive action has also been gifted by someone. This happens in an instant but we attach ourselves deeply to negative emotions and forget the positive, but it is there – it is only hidden.
  4. You must gain complete awareness of the positive actions to your mind and body as a result of the discovery that a positive exists as a force agains the negative. Sadness circumvents happiness. Excitement circumvents boredom. Anxiety circumvents calmness. Every emotion has a polar opposite that is taking root. All emotions have polar opposites and all beings have these emotions. Any monk, swami, rabbi, or priest can swing between emotions – they are not superhuman.
  5. You must realize that there is neither a positive or negative action – it is only neutral. Events and external actions from others force us to attach ourselves to negative or positive emotions – these all exist on the outside world. The inside world of the mind has to be taught to attach itself to neither the gain (positive action) or pain (negative action). Both attachments are bad. The only attachment to see is the one of neutrality – where there is neither for example gain nor pain, positive nor negative, left nor right, male nor female, sun nor moon.
  6. You must now realize that being indifferent and unattached to either side of the emotional pendulum and finding middle ground is the path to breaking free – as gaining neutrality is the weapon to be created that will destroying the walls of the Conscious Prison System