
“Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages.” ~ Thomas Edison

I am Ashish AshishDashottar (pronounced the-SHow-thrr), the creator of Think Ahimsa. My goal is to provide ideas, thoughts and opinions surrounding our lives that have some connection to increasing non-violence within ourselves and towards others. I will explore multiple dimensions of this theme including but not limited to self-improvement, relationships, well-being, fitness, nutrition, work, and travel.

Think Ahimsa is not a website where you should take every article literally and incorporate everything you read directly into your life. That is not the intention of this site. You should question everything you read, and make the decision yourself of what ideas you would like to incorporate that you think will work for you.

Please bear in mind that my posts are my opinions and you should not take any offense to what I present. Keep an open mind as you are you reading this perspective. In some cases I will provide thoughts and observations about our behavior in society or why we think a certain way. In others, I will simply ask questions to intentionally raise doubts. One note is that when I use the word “man,” I am making reference to both men and women as humanity.

Presented on this site are ideas for creating non-violence. They are simply that – ideas! Some posts will be interpretations of events that will force you to think about the idea presented. Sometimes there may be explicit ideas to consider. Ideas are derived from multiple areas such as thoughts, actions and experiences.

Ideas are opinions. Ideas are viewpoints. Ideas are concepts. Ideas are not a direct call to action.

If you would like to reach Ashish, please send him an email at [email protected].

What to do with an Idea?

Follow my IDEA method in any negative situation and apply it:

  • Introspect deeply using self-analysis. Use a few minutes to reach within yourself and identify your current emotional state (e.g., I am mad, I am depressed, I am groggy).
  • Discover cause to find the answer within. Quickly pause and ask yourself what the specific reason for your emotional feeling isĀ  (e.g., I am mad because my friend called me a name, I am depressed because I am alone on a Friday night, I am groggy because its dinner time and I haven’t eaten since breakfast).
  • Experiment to formulate new emotional states. Now change course to better the situation. Take an idea and immediately implement to see how you can positively change your emotional state (e.g., Tell your friend in a quiet tone that you are hurt and offended by his/her words, Put on music, radio or TV to give you feeling of being in company, eat a light snack to get over some hunger). Focus on creating good for yourself and others. Refine and adjust to attain the feeling you want.
  • Achieve results through continuous refinement and lead by example. Integrate the idea into your lifestyle and experiment in various situations. Continuously practice and refine. Provide opportunities for others to learn from you.