The Core Duty of Mankind

My heart goes out to all the victims of the senseless and unnecessary murders that took place in Orlando, FL this weekend. This was an act that could have been avoided but sadly many hearts are broken with the loss of loved ones. May those suffering from the loss of someone they know or simply hurting from another pointless act of murder, realize that real strength to move on comes by thinking positive, loving unconditionally, and removing any hatred towards one another.

The veil of ignorance has once again taken form by the terrible act of violence that took place in a nightclub in Florida this weekend.

I know many are angry. I also know many are confused. I even know many are asking why, why, why?

How could this happen – again!?

There are a many who believe that this has something to do a with a class of people who belong to a particular religion and their anger or hatred towards a group of people with a certain sexual orientation – and furthermore, their affiliation with a particular organization group-think.

Look at the stream of “points” or reasoning that may provide clues as to the underlying cause of this incident from the media or those people around you. They will say it was the:

  • Religion OR the extreme side of a religion that provides teachings of hatred
  • Viewpoint of hatred against a certain sexual class of individuals
  • “Group-think” effect derived from a particular organization or association

As always, what happens when an incident like this occurs is that there will be debates, arguments, and discussions on whose point is correct and whose is false. However, I think the reason why this happened is much simpler then we think.

Why the answer is so simple is that it is one that can’t be debated.The reason stands on its own and is something we as human being must learn to accept as our core tenet to live in this world with others.

I mean if we are having a debate, we are not moving towards acceptance of each other. We are instead continuously trying to make points and figure out appropriate external solutions such as building walls against a country, not allowing people of a particular religion to enter a country, or engaging in techniques to inappropriately force information out of people.

The truth is that the veil of ignorance is not just in existence within people, but also something that exists outside people and comes in the form of continuous marketing by the media, friends, radio, newspaper, and simple opinions you may overhear in conversations.

Folks, the answer is so simple that NOONE will talk about it because we want to continuously make a “point” as to why the incident happened – and explore ways to avoid this incident from happening again – without any discussion on proper code of human conduct.

We are such a solution-focused society that we will place blame on religion, thoughts, class of people, gangs, and associations as the underlying reason why a senseless killing happened – without even getting to the core of what our role in society should be – and using this as the central reason why this incident happened.

Why don’t we pause and not talk about religion associated with man – and instead, focus on man himself?

Why don’t we pause and not talk about viewpoints that man has against the sexual orientation of a group of people – and instead, focus on man himself?

Why don’t we pause and not talk about group-think that man belongs to and may be to blame – and instead, focus on man himself?

Whatever happened this weekend and is happening all around the world, has nothing to do with religion – but everything to do with man’s code of conduct.

Whatever happened this weekend has nothing to do with teachings against a sexual orientation – but everything to do with man’s code of conduct.

Whatever happened this weekend has nothing to do with association to a particular group – but everything to do with man’s code of conduct.

What we need to learn to do is disassociate ourselves from what we have become from the circumstances or situations of life that have built our present character, and instead focus more on the understanding of the code of conduct we as human beings must exercise to live in this world.

This duty of Mankind and the most essential code of conduct is this: To Value All Human Life.

What people and the media don’t really talk about is what the role of mankind should be – and instead they get into political, psychological, sexual, and social debates to discuss issues that are pointless related to positions of association rather than positions of conduct.

Yes, religion will change people. Yes, how you carry yourself sexually will invite negative or positive emotions from others. Yes, your family will change you. Yes, your country will change you. Yes, your educational institution will change you. Yes, your work environment will change you.

But get this – why not nurture that which should not be changed: Your behavior toward others. Specifically, how you can increase your thinking, actions, and thoughts toward valuing human life.

Not understanding this core duty of man is the reason why we have a violent world. Moreover the media and words of politicians is not helping. Religion has nothing do with what happened this weekend. Viewpoints against people of a particular sexual orientation had nothing to do with what happened. Terrorist cells had nothing to do with this.

So what drove this behavior? Simple: An individual’s lack of value toward human life. It’s that simple. This is the only reason why this happened.

If only we can stripe off everyone’s condition of association and instead look at the fundamental duty of man.

If we can make the code of valuing human life our credo, we are moving upright towards a better, more positive world. If not, we will stop walking with a straight posture and instead get a hunchback from continuously ducking at all the negative actions thrown our way.