Engineering Good from Bad

If you are keeping up with reading this blog, my message is clear: You become what you think.

The formula is simple: If you think negatively, you WILL attract negative things, people, and events. If you think positively, you WILL attract a world of happiness, good health, and fortunate circumstances.

So, how does a negative thought enter the our realm of our existence in the first place?

What needs to be understood is that the body is a door that is highly susceptible that allows anything to enter. In fact, it is the body that allows anything – good or bad – to be planted within it. We can’t really stop anything from being allowed to be planted because that is how the body is designed.

If we hang out with the wrong crowds, we will develop bad habits which will become ingrained in the subconscious mind. If we consume junk food into the body, our digestion will be impacted creating negative mood swings. If we inhale crappy, smoky air, our breathing will be impacted creating a mindset that is highly disturbed.

Get my point?

The body is highly fertile. The soil of the body accepts anything. We actually have NO control over what can or can’t be planted.  This is because the world has both good and bad – and any person, event, food product, or even the quality of air can allow any good or bad thought to take root.

How do I know that bad things are planted?

Well, don’t you have characteristics of anger, sadness, hate, prejudice, impatience, jealously – just to name a few negative things – embedded in you right now? Likewise, don’t you have happiness, joy, acceptance, love, patience, also available to you?

Bottom line: You have both good and bad in you already. It’s an emotional file cabinet that we all have inside of ourselves. We can choose which file to open up – and voilà! – we act out that emotion.

The question becomes, what characteristics are you using more – the good ones or the bad ones? I mean it’s funny how some people are an angel one second, and a monster another.

What we all need to do is perfect the art of engineering good. For this you need to understand how a plant grows. If you give a plant plenty of food in the form of water and sun it will grow. So, if you shine more water and sun on negative thoughts, this will take root inside your mind – and vice versa – a positive thought will grow if nurtured and also take root.

The problem is not what gets planted in the body – which are all kinds of things – but what takes root in the mind. This is where we can become selective.

What many of use are not cognizant of is that we emphasize negative things more than positive things. Observe your emotions throughout the day. What percentage of the day are you happy vs. sad? Do you remember the good things that happen do you or the sad things more? Are you reading good news or bad news?

Engineering good is the art of focusing on all the good characteristics available to you from the emotional file cabinet and harvesting and using only those emotions. It is a practice to understand that engineering goodness is 100% in our control despite what kind of seeds are planted.

The issue is not what gets planted – but what gets nurtured. The seeds that get nurtured will take root. What takes root becomes what you are.

You are fully in control of your destiny. Your destiny is driven by what takes root. Having the right mindset taking root is one of the secrets of finding happiness in this world.

Surround yourselves with people that will uplift you. Eat the rights kinds of food. Purify your body of bad things. Be of service to others. Love everyone unconditionally.

These are some foundations of engineering good from bad.

Think Good. Act Good. Be Good.