3 Points to Discover Peace Within

Some of you reading this may realize that it is extremely difficult to create a constant world that is free from the effect of evil actions. Just look around – people steal, cheat, hurt, and kill one another as a means of releasing whatever pain they have.

The biggest hurdle the mind has to overcome  is understanding how to shift from a world where bad actions are performed, negative intentions proliferate, and where evil thoughts exist, to one where we can possibly be in a constant state of good free from evil thoughts, speech, and actions.

Many of you reading this will think evil is such a strong negative word – and it is – but the difference between bad and evil is simply driven by how you think and what you believe.

The most difficult thing to grasp is if the human mind can remain constantly evil. I am not sure even if that is possible. Doesn’t it seem where there exists evil, that this is where the existence of good exists as well?

I think there may be perpetual evil-ness that may come in and out, but constant evil-ness seems to be  a huge detriment to yourself and society. The other thing to think about is if acting bad is a one-time thing or something we are constantly doing.

Furthermore – let’s just ask the question – why are we acting evil? Most answers you will find will relate to an increase in one of the following areas – ego, lust, anger, greed, hatred, and jealousy.

The most interesting intersection point is what triggers the creation of the evil action. I am not sure if the mind is evil – my theory is that only actions are evil but there are creepy neurological influences that are stored in the brain that if accumulated over time will create what I call at least a 50.01% evil mind.  This over 50% phenomenon is what leads many to believe that they are evil.

The accumulation of hurts, frustrations, anxieties, tortures, punches, stresses if constantly acted upon will create the negative environment within and throughout the individual. If people are constantly struggling when others have their way, jealousies, anxieties and pain will be created. The human mind is way too computational to look at circumstances in binary bits and bytes. There is a complex code that makes us behave in certain evil ways.

This code that makes you behave in evil ways is the root of your evil mind that needs be destroyed. When you create an evil act toward others – you are stepping out of the world that is in reality at peace with yourself to one that creates more turmoil.

I have harped on this point on several occasions that picking up a gun and firing is not problem solving. The thought of crossing your personal boundary from violence to non-violence is such an obvious one – but which many are blind to see and dare to cross.

How can you see peace of there is violence around you?

There is a special formula for this that you need be cognizant of – and it comprises of three simple points you just need to keep “in mind”:

  1. You are born peaceful. Yes, you may be crying when you come into this world but your tears are not your flaw. I don’t know any kid that comes into this world with boxing gloves strapped on ready to go at it. If the foundation of your existence is built on one that is peaceful – then you know being at peace is possible. It is your environment that creates the evil mind – learn to change it.
  2. You are the only one in control of your emotions. This is not something that is taught. Even a small baby if you see their reaction will be able to sense if the person holding them is in a state of happiness or sadness. As you grow, just watch the reactions of these around you when you raise your voice. Only you can control how you react and uplift others.
  3. You are born with the right to be happy, but not at the expense of others. Fighting creates fighting both inside and out. Again, the foolish mind who thinks that they can get away by killing someone and not feel guilty is not human. Happiness is not driven by changing the environment by killing others. No! Everyone has a right to live. This is the gift we must learn to give others.

Try practicing the points above. Explore them further. See how you feel. Perhaps it will help you realize further that peace has always been within you and waiting to be discovered.