“A” Way Toward Unconditional Love

Creating an unconditional loving mindset is something we can all work toward. While the road to obtaining unconditional love may take some time and work, the benefits for creating a non-violent lifestyle will become more evident as some of the key areas described in this post are understood.

Let me start by saying there is nothing in the way we have been born or brought up that can’t help us established an unconditional loving mindset. The core reason why this is difficult for some of us is that we have been conditioned to behave according to a prescribed set of rules are dictated by the way we have been raised and those that we generally hang around with the most. In many ways, our mind has been programmed based on our personal operating system consisting of beliefs and values that are passed down by others and have become deeply rooted within us that prevent us from thinking unconditionally.

So what exactly is unconditional love? How do we obtain this? The answers to this can vary and there may not be one answer that is universally accepted by all. What this means is that development of an unconditional mind consists of practicing several actions. I was pondering over this question, and what this boils down is where there is will to create love, there is certainly “A” way.

The list below of key actions and elements is a simple, yet effective one, to help anyone move toward creating a more unconditional loving mindset. The list may be fairly obvious but it is not just the list that I want you to read, but practice. Unconditional love doesn’t just come about, it takes practice. The following elements when acted upon will get you to establishing that mindset that will help you build greater peace inside that can you share outwardly to others that is full of love.

Here is “A” way toward developing unconditional love:

  • Acceptance of all human beings. We are all born different. This very fact is what makes life so interesting. If we were all the same, it would be so boring. We will all think alike, act alike, speak alike which will breed monotony. There will be no room for discussion. Life by design is not intended to be prescribed or follow a set pattern. Variety in the world is what gives us diversity and joy. By acceptance, I am not talking about temporary acceptance or selective acceptance of some people – the focus here is on acceptance of all human beings regardless of race, gender, religion, family background or anything that defines another person’s identity. Start first by accepting yourself and all your flaws – and you see how easy it is to accept others.
  • Affection towards others. The value of human life is one of the most precious things we need to realize. We all have different purposes to serve on this planet. Yes, while it is a dog-eat-dog world out there, we need to rise above this thinking and just start caring for all others. Take action to make other people’s day. Make helping others your first priority. Show how much people mean to you. Selfless service in honor of others will lead to you to the path of love for all.
  • Ahimsa speech and action. The path toward establishing a mindset that thinks non-violently is to speak and act non-violently. We are all born non-violently and become conditioned to think otherwise as we grow up. The practice of non-violence (Ahimsa) toward others is what we all must realize. Limit swear words and ill thoughts towards others. Don’t even speak non-violently about others. Eliminate gossip about others. Be kind to others and you will be kind to yourself.
  • Assist anyone in need. Help any human being with their need and give back to them without accepting anything in return. You will be surprised how much you get back from giving away free help, ideas, mentoring, educational tips or anything else to all beings. You will actually gain more for yourself in the long run.
  • Accommodate other people’s thoughts and opinions. Make room in your mind for all ideas to come from anyone. Just be open to all ideas from family, friends and strangers. Take in opinions, suggestions, and ideas from others without formulating a response or emotion. Don’t act on anyone else’s idea until you have determined what works best for you. Listen first, ponder over any repercussions for yourself and act later.
  • Adjust with others in any situation. Fitting in with others is not a science or art – all beings on this planet have a right to be here and right to fit in any situation and you are no exception. You will need to work with others to help advance yourself. You will need to integrate yourself within society to help you advance your career. You will need to work in teams to be successful on the job. You will need to learn new things that will involve interacting with others. How well you make adjustments in marriage or relationships will judge how happy you are area in those relationships. Remember, we all must adjust. Keeping firm and being resilient serves no purpose. Open the windows of your personality to let in all gusts of winds and let adjustment be natural.
  • Adapt yourself into any environment. Go outside your comfort zone. To experience this travel to an international destination where you don’t know the language or the people or have any friends in that location. Realize to survive that you need to learn to engage with others. You will meet some of the most interesting and mind-blowing personalities out there. Moreover, you will realize how small the world is as those people are facing the same problems you do, except that their environment is different. Adaptation is fully integrating yourself with others. Go out into the world and immerse yourself in such a way where you realize that the difference between yourself and others is an illusory wall you have built inside your mind.