Disintegration of the Body Shell

In my last post, we left with the understanding that the human body is just a emotional body. We know this in that at any point in time if you reach out to any friend, family, etc. you will realize that they are interacting with you based on one or more of a series of emotional traits. This can vary from calmness being one of the more popular ones, to others being “pissed off” or unhappy if they are int he midst of any troubling situation.

This post is the last in a three part series whereby I will explain – based on my beliefs – what really happens when we die and how we can rapidly overcome grief.

To begin, we must first understand grief and why you have it when you lose someone. Grief is a derivative of attachment to the Anatomical Physical (AP) body and has to do with the fact that the individual who has left this world, gave you something special – a specific feeling or a “touching of your soul” as the best way to describe it from their AP Body. The key thing to keep in mind that that attachment begins with the connections to physical bodies – the AP Body.

It is in this understanding, that an illusion takes place as attachment comes from associations of feelings with the AP Body, but is based on the foundations of a Sensory Perception (SP) Body which is separated by an Energy Generational Body (EG). In other words, sensory perceptions are picked up by the body through energy created and this gives perceived life to the AP Body.

The tug of war with the mind begins when we can’t draw a distinction with the AP Body and the feelings derived through this body vs. the SP Body which derives activity through a separate external over -encompassing layer which I will call the Conscious Stream (CS).

The CS is the means by which everything is interconnected. It is like energy waves that we can’t see but we know it exists. It is the feelings of people distantly disconnected but have an awkward feeling of being connected as in long-distance family members that just thinking of each other in the same context of time. The CS is very difficult to explain with words. It is the means by which we get ideas, thoughts, beliefs. Things travel in this stream continuously. The CS can never die – it exists indefinitely and is ever changing, ever dynamic, never sitting still – just like the thoughts in our mind.

This is really why the mind never rests – as the Conscious Stream never rests. Keep in mind that whatever you are experiencing is rarely of physical specimen – whatever is being given is indescribable, untouchable, yet ever-present – we know it exists, because we feel it.

Two points to keep in mind as we start to understand this a bit more. First, keep in mind that feelings are not tangible objects unless we give meaning to it. One of the ways we get caught in the illusion of attachment is that we believe the feeling has a source through a AP body. But this is not true – as the body is only a vehicle and a medium to act or touch or talk which results in a feeling. Second, the body without any action is just a body and this body acts based on a series of environmental factors which exist outside the very body.

To clarify this point further – you have to ask yourself the following two questions when you lose someone:

  1. Could what this person that I lost have given me be possible, without their AP Body?
  2. Where did the person that I lost get their direction from, to act, to support me?

Answering these questions will provide you with further context on what the body really is and if there is something more to the body.

One of the tricks the mind plays is building dependency on beings through associations over time. Meaning that your parents, friends, sibling, etc. are all being defined by what they do to you since the day you are born – this is identification and is represented by their external characteristics, their association to you, and what they do to you. Hence, by this identification you start to believe that their external characteristics, their associations, and how they act and things they do are all in a single body and that is the only source of their being – but this is not the key to their action.

The key to the body acting is external factors – the sense of smell, hearing, sight, touch – that are all based on external perceptions. It’s impossible for the body to react to something that is internal. There is no such thing as internal smell, hearing, sight or touch. They are all based on what their body senses from the outside. So, if something hears pain in your voice, they will try to comfort you with a hug, or a smile, or kind words.  Without external perceptions, it is impossible for the body to react. But the confusion is created as we believe it is the body that is acting, and this is not true – it is the conscious soul within the body acting as the conscious stream that is the acting through the body.

The conscious soul in the body and the conscious stream outside the body are one and the same. There is no difference but our mind plays this trick that they are different and creates layers of separation to hide the two.

To make things even more confusing – in life you are dealt with a series of materialistic cards that belong to you regardless of choice. The only thing that you actually choose exists at a higher conscious level called the soul. What this means in the world of resurrection is that the soul of the dead body leaves that body and chooses another soul which belongs to your mom to give birth to your soul as you and hence completing the reincarnation. What you don’t choose is the physical characteristic of your mom – you choose the soul, something that is immaterial and exists at a much bigger existential plane and it connects you with a mother soul that resonates in the same vibrancy.

These feelings are given by the individuals soul through their body to you. These are things like love, support, friendship, ideas, thoughts that touch your soul, not your body. This is the first thing to keep in mind that the connection is soul to soul, not body to body.

If we take this further, this means is that the body is the only vehicle by which the soul operates as any object is not an object unless we give definition to it. The soul needs a body so it can distribute it’s feelings through words (i.e., talk) and acts (i.e, actions like hugging, smiling, service, etc.). So – what happens when we grieve is that the feelings get associated with the body so we believe that when the body is gone, that all the feelings coming out of the body are also gone. But, this isn’t true as we always grieving the loss of the body, not the soul.

I am not writing this to put any belief down if you don’t believe in the soul or body as two different things. In fact, I don’t think there really is a need to debate this. What I do know is that the loss of a human life in any religion or belief is a sad event and all I want to do is a try to alleviate the pain of any indivual through the science of thought experimentation.

Time is indeed the healer of all wounds. Without our good friend time, we will continuously be in grief. Whether we cremate the body and believe the soul moves on, whether we bury the body with the soul, or if there is no soul and only body – in all cases, we are feeling a loss and I am here to say that there is a way to quickly overcome this grief and move on.

So what happens to the soul and the body when we die? The simple answer, in my opinion, is that the Energy Generating Body turns off and the Anatomical Physical Body decomposes so just our structural bones are left. This is why in some cultures, the AP Body is cremated or burned as the vehicle that runs based on the EG Body is of no use. The AP Body like a flooded car turns in to a lemon – it becomes useless, unmoving, unable to do anything – it will just decompose in time.

The next question is what happens to the Sensory Perception Body that feeds the EG body to act on the AP Body? What I am about to write is the beauty of a mindset of immortality. The SP body goes back to the Conscious Steam where it derives it’s energy. What this means is that the AP Body that we think exists is now transformed back to the CS into a several or many characteristics that now take root in a variety of AP Bodies around us in the form of friends, acquaintances, chance individual encounters, etc. that – if you look closely – are actually associated with AP Body that you lost but for which you are blind to see – as you are still looking for the same characteristics in the original body of the person you lost – when the reality is that the characteristics are now dispersed.

Even through a person is gone, their SP Body continues to live but is transformed. If you look for all the great things you liked about the person that you lost, you will find these characteristics in all people you are in contact with – hidden in such ways as the person bagging your groceries, the bank teller, postman, team member, sister, brother, coworkers – even an animal, ANYONE – but you have to look closely.

Looking closely, if it is that hugging personality of the person you lost – you will find that this is balanced by another person that may hug you out of the blue to comfort you. If it is the characteristic of someone being there for you, it could come in the form of a bird landing on the perch of your window to give you company. When you are down and need a pick me up, it could be that unexpected call from a long lost friend that just magically appears from no where. What this means is that the Conscious Stream has the ways to continue to support your needs.

With this simple experiment, you will see that no-one ever dies. Your values and your being are upheld through all the associations that have never really been broken, just transformed. Close your eyes, take a pause, capture the traits of the person you have lost, see where this trait exists in others, and you will see that this traits don’t exist in just one body – these traits exist in multiple bodies and continues to transform themselves in time – never-ending, never-dying and ever-present.