The Discovery “In-Joy”

You have the perfect education with the degree you always wanted – and yet, you are still not happy.

You have the job of your dreams – and yet, you are still not happy.

You have the flexibility to take exotic vacations – and yet, you are still not happy.

You have the greatest group of friends anyone can ever imagine – and yet, you are still not happy.

You have a supportive partner who is always there for you – and yet, you are still not happy.

You wanted to have children – a girl – a boy – you got that – and yet, you are still not happy.

You wanted a home of your dreams – you got that and yet, you are still not happy.

You wanted your kids to be what you wanted – you got that and yet, you are still not happy.

You wanted to make lots and lots of money – you have that, and yet you are still not happy.

By now you are probably sick of reading all these statements of unhappiness. Why am I writing this? Because many of you are probably reading the statements above and acknowledging many of them.

I am not here to push you down. I am here to put the dead moose on the table and make things real for you and the reality is this – happiness is never ever anything that can be found through a material object whether that object is a physical item (i.e., green cash, paper degree, job offer letter, etc.) or human object of affection (i.e., friends, spouse, partner, family members, etc.)

Real happiness is derived through a feeling of joy that has no sense of attachment to material or human objects.

Happiness is a state of being. It’s a state of satisfaction. There is never a feeling of “wanting”-ness in happiness. Happiness can’t be controlled. Happiness can’t be made.

Happiness is establishing a consistent present state of consciousness full of acceptance of yourself, those objects around you, as well as well as those people in your life.

Happiness is not found by walking into a store and making a purchase. Forms of happiness such as buying a car or home are illusions of happiness – these things are all temporary forms of happiness which will slowly dissipate as the reality of time and depreciation takes over.

If you want permanent joy – stop the feeling of desires for objects or material things. Be completely satisfied with what you have – and what you are – now. Live life within your means. Don’t compare your situation with others. Give back more than you receive. Pause and think about what you have.

This life that you have, has been given to you with love, and is packaged with joy, but the real happiness you are trying to find has been buried deep under the sense of desires you have. Break the mold of desires and wants, be satisfied with what you have, and accept yourself, including everything and everyone around you – and the joy will be right there walking right beside you every step of the way.