Picking up a Gun and Firing is not Problem Solving

I am personally sick of hearing about people going bananas and taking out their pain through the use of guns and other weapons.

The recent incident at the Navy Yard in Washington D.C. is only one example of this kind of violence but there are countless others that have occurred in the past. The reasons behind this violence is a bit puzzling to me. In some cases it is driven by “demons” inside people’s heads. Sometimes the motive is taking action against a single individual that caused some sort of pain to the person initiating the violent action. Sometimes its just people’s reaction against a whole chain of events caused just by people or things just on going their way.

If  you are reading this and completely upset about life, or upset about something someone did to you, frustrated about things not going your way and this just seems to be a recurring theme that never seems to end and you are on the brink of taking this out on others through the use of a gun or any other weapon – I just want to say two things – 1. Stop and think about what you are about to do and all the hurt it will create. 2. I love you.

Let’s just get to the root cause of your pain – a difficult childhood, not having enough food on the table, not having enough money, not having friends, prejudice towards a particular race or community of individuals, not having a home, being teased, not being given an opportunity, rejected in life and work, not able to perform on the job – you fill in the blank. All I can see is that you want to take revenge against all those who cause you pain.  You then need to take it out on others and the only way is to do it is violently using guns or any other weapon, even your hands. I just want to say two things – 1. Stop and think about what you are about to do and all the hurt it will create. 2. I love you.

There is no better time than this very moment to realize that its ok not to pick up your gun. You don’t need this. You don’t need to use a gun. You don’t need to use a knife. These are pointless inventions that create more bad than good. You don’t even need to clinch your fists or lift your hand. If you really want to take revenge do two things:

  1. Calmly use words to confront your issues. Just take in what is happening to you and let it briefly sit inside your head. Don’t ask why these things are happening. Just accept the situation. Think about what positive action you can do to change your situation. Think about what the output of that positive action will be. Focus on that. Now use words to confront the issue. If it is a parent that did you wrong just confront them diplomatically. Let them know how you feel and why you are in pain.Do this for anyone who did you wrong. Don’t let it linger. Just confront them immediately – be calm, be firm, be yourself but don’t raise your voice. Don’t tell them what you will do to positively change your situation. Keep that a secret.
  2. Take action to change your state of being. Remember that thing that was secret – use it to take action to correct your situation. Don’t tell anyone what you are doing. Just do good for yourself. All things are temporary. Your childhood, being hungry, being homeless, being teased, lacking opportunities, etc.  – all will change! It’s happened over time to millions of individuals and it can happen to you – but you need to be patient. Change will come but it may not be immediate and you need to be cognizant of this and be patient.

Don’t ever think that there is no hope for your situation. Don’t get frustrated if you keep trying and failing at something. Don’t get mad if people don’t like you. Don’t get upset if someone takes something away from you or prevents you from having something. These twists and turns are part of the roller coaster of life. It happens to everyone. You are not singled out. Even what we call “successful” people, have struggled, failed numerous times until they discover what works best and they optimized their effort. Change is happening all around you and it inevitable. Change is good.

You have the power to change anything about your situation. There are countless resources available through non-profit groups, community organizations, coaches, teachers, parents, friends and family that are available to you for help. Seek anyone’s help if you are deeply frustrated. Be calm, understand it’s ok to seek help. It’s ok to talk about anything on your mind. That’s what some of these individuals will do for you – they will be a listening board for your pain.

I want you to use words to save lives rather than use guns or any other weapon to take lives away. I want you to always use positive actions to create good. If you want to take revenge take it through positive action. If someone fires you from a job take revenge by finding another job and performing better than last time. If you are continuously disrespected in a dating relationship, take revenge by walking away from it and shutting off all communication from your partner – phone, email, etc. If you fall down, just get back up and keep mentally fighting. Don’t give up. I can’t provide ideas for all situations but the bottom line is this – don’t use guns or weapons to get revenge on others that cause you pain. Positive thoughts, words and actions are your best friends in this situation and will lift you upward.

Positive thoughts, words and actions are the only way to change your state. Through this you will realize how much positive energy you will create. Not only will I love you but others will too.