The One Investment You Need To Make: Giggle

No, this is not a typo.

I am not telling you to invest in a multi-billion dollar corporation based in the San Francisco area. I am not giving you financial advice.

I just want you to laugh. Moreover, I want you to laugh for no reason whatsoever. Just giggle!

The reason why it is a great investment to make in ourselves is that it’s free, can be found anywhere, goes with you wherever you are, it can be replicated, and produces outstanding results. Studies have been conducted that show what impact laughter has on us – it creates endorphins that produce the “feel-good” factor that makes us happy.

I see too many serious faces everywhere I go. We so easily become consumed with negativity that surrounds us. Why have we forgotten to laugh? Why do we act so serious that it keeps us from laughing? We are just so consumed by life.

I personally like to act silly and immature and just giggle at times. There is no hard or fast rule to giggle – you just do it. Just laugh at silly things. You will be amazed at how quickly you can transform a depressing emotion to one that is instantly positive.

Don’t take everything so seriously. Life is to be fully enjoyed – not depressed over. Laughter can be a choice. You don’t have to see a comedy to laugh. You don’t have to fill up your inbox with silly jokes emailed to you by friends to laugh. You can just giggle – and do it for no reason whatsoever.

You don’t have to explain to someone why you are giggling. They may think you are crazy but who cares!  Just do it – for your own good.

Keep one thing in mind. Laughter is not intended to poke fun at anyone. Their situation is not funny and should not be exploited. Laughter is something that can be enjoyed by all. It’s amazing how a giggle can rub off on someone and make them laugh as well.

If you find this funny, then good – please giggle! I am glad I can put a smile on your face.