Throw Away the Timetable

We have turned into a society where major milestones in life are defined according to a prescribed timetable.

For instance in the United States, we get our driver’s license around 16, vote around 18, have our first beer around 21, graduate college by 22, enter marriage around the ages of 24-28, have kids around 30, and the timetable continues as defined by the majority of actions of society.

We have started to forget that living life is living now. The reason why the timetable can be dangerous is when things don’t go as expected.  We get stressed when we can’t find a partner to marry in an appropriate time. We get frustrated when we see other couples having kids and we don’t have any. We get upset when someone young accomplishes something you are taking years to perfect.

Stop living your life according to the timetable!

You have been dealt with a set of cards that you simply have to play with. It’s just those set of cards and nothing else. So what if you get married late at the age of 30, 40, 50 or beyond! Who cares if you did or didn’t go to college at a particular time – it doesn’t mean you can’t find your passion and achieve greatness. Who cares if someone has perfected the notes of the piano that you have been working on for years.

Judging your life according to a prescribed set of timely actions is foolishness. We have increased so much pain within ourselves by trying and failing when the truth is that achieving what others have achieved is just not in our set of cards. Just relax and accept the situation.

Stop planning the details when you will need to get married, have a family, get a car, go to college, buy a house, etc. What will happen to you one minute, one hour, one day or even one year from now is unknown and none of your business. There is no better time than this very second that you are consuming the words off this website. Work your best toward goals you have established and let the path come in its own way.

It’s ok to fail. It’s ok to accept that it isn’t possible for you to attain something. Don’t be bothered by what others think. Do the best for yourself at the pace you want to move at. The more you force, the more nature will fight back. Let the current moments of life drive you to your goals naturally.