Stop Slashing the Gift of Life

Here we go again! Another incident in a school and this time – a mass stabbing? What is fundamentally wrong with you kids today?

I want to know. I think the whole world should know.

Why do you feel like you need to bring a knife or gun to school? What problem are you trying to solve?

Do you actually think you will solve your problem by stabbing someone else? Do you actually think it’s funny to see people walking around with blood dripping from their bodies or screaming for their lives?

I want to be educated about what is compelling you take this kind of action? Educate me. Tell me what you are trying to fight?

Did someone make fun of you in school? Did a teacher give you a bad grade? Did you fail to make your debate team or any other club in school? Did you come in second in class? Did you fail a class? Did you get ragged on? Did your parents do something to piss you off? Did you just break up with your boyfriend or girlfriend? Did someone take your lunch money? Do you just hate life? Do you want power?

What is it? Give me one good reason for why you think you need to pick up a gun or knife and turn it on someone else.

If you are reading this and think it is funny that I am writing a bunch of questions – my questioning is the only way we can work to solve these issues before you take drastic action putting not just your life in danger, but others.

If you are pissed off at society or your school and you feel you need to take a knife out and slash someone or pull the trigger from the gun you found or bought – just stop for a second. Pause. Take a deep breath.

I know your adrenaline is pumping. I know your heart rate is soaring. I know you are ready for action. I know you are ready for retaliation and to fight back – but stop, pause, and breathe. Please. Just stop, pause, and breathe.

This is the single most important action you can take right now to control your emotions. There is nothing anyone can do to stop you. You know it. So why don’t you take action to stop yourself? Only you can stop yourself – no one else. Only you.

Now think about what you will do. You are going to kill someone. But why? Killing innocent people is not the answer. Killing your friends is not the answer. Killing your teachers is not the answer. Killing yourself is not the answer.

Listen – life as it is given to you is a gift. We all have been given life and as each of our lives are different, these gifts are different. Hence my gift is not the same as your gift.

Gifts are special as they are intended to be just for you. You can’t give this gift back. There are no returns of the gift. There are no comparisons of your gift to others. You gift is unique and this is why it is special – it is designed just for you. You can’t even take another person’s gift so why fight for it.

Your gift is just meant for you. Only you have the power to control it. You have no choice but to accept it as it has been given to you with love – and here is a really cool thing about the gift – while you can’t ever give it back, you can transform it. But for this you have to work hard. It won’t be easy. It will be a struggle but it will reap rewards in the long run. You can’t use violence to transform the gift.

In order to transform your gift, you have to stop, pause, and breathe to capture your current moment and state of emotions. You need to do this to gather your thoughts. You need to do this to control right from wrong. Only you know what is right and what is wrong. Killing other people is completely wrong.

Stop. Pause. Breathe. Drop the knife from your hand. Drop the gun from your hand. The only thing that you are allowed to hold is the gift in your two hands – no knifes and no guns. Only free hands can hold the gift up – don’t let the gift hit the ground.

Realize when you pick up a gun or knife, you are dropping the gift. Don’t throw away the gift. It’s so special. Hold on to it. Don’t let it go. Why throw it away?

The gift was given to you with love. Live it. Accept it. Transform it. Don’t fight it. Love it.