Beware of Convincers of Scarcity

It’s ever more convincing to me as I get older, how people think that there is something missing in me. It’s as if they think I am not living life OR that maybe I am missing something in life OR that I am just not like normal people living life according to their set of prescribed checklists.

These “Convincers of Scarcity” as I call them are everywhere – and it’s time that you learn to be cognizant of them. There are some striking characteristics that I will bring forth to you about these folks – and yes – even loved ones are found to be guilty. The Convincers of Scarcity believe that:

  • Their way is the most optimal path that you must walk on
  • Only their experience counts in guiding you to the right path
  • You must act and behave as they do
  • They know what is best for you
  • Anything you do outside of their norm is something unusual or obtuse
  • They have a crystal ball into the future – and hence know what is right
  • Their tiny sample size of friends struggling in life is enough to convince you that you are on the wrong path
  • Anything outside their norm is viewed as not being normal

Let me say that these convincers are those most closest to you – a parent, grandparent, uncle, friend – just to name a few. You can’t get away from these folks – they are just part of your life and running away is pointless so you just have to deal with them.

So, why am I calling them Convincers of Scarcity? It’s simple – they think that you are not whole if you are not living up their standards. They think you are not perfect if you not living according to their stream of values. They think you are not normal if you are not following their prescribed playbook.

This is what I mean by scarcity. People are convincing you that you are missing something if you don’t have, for example, the perfect job, get the perfect grade, or get the perfect mate. Many of us live lives whereby we are convinced that we are scarce – not whole – and hence not perfect – and this is where the foundations of pain-bodies (i.e., stress, anxiety, social stigmas, disease) start to take root if you are not able to deal with these convincers.

Time and time again, I get deeply disappointment with those most closest to me as they think because I am not living according to their prescribed checklist that I am not whole. After screaming and yelling both on the outside and inside my head (both pointless activities) – I am convinced of two things that are cliche 1. You can’t change anyone 2. You can only control your reaction. In other words – controlling your level of attachment to the emotional message being sent by others.

This is what it is. We become attached to the message – and hence convinced that we are not perfect- and then it is too late. Bonds are broken to the point that they are not repairable.

So a message to the Convincers of Scarcity: Beware that your actions will have deep and significant consequences unless you alter your behavior patterns.

What friends and family fail to recognize is that there is a level of abundance within us that needs to be celebrated. It must be understood that not all people will behave as they do. Parents who think they are perfect will not be able to procreate perfect children. Every student in a class is not destined to get an “A” grade. Not everyone will be rich and wealthy. Not everyone is intended to get married. Not everyone can travel the world. Every person on this this planet has a unique genetic code that needs to be celebrated. Missing a code that belongs to you is not a reason to consider someone imperfect.

This is my message to everyone reading this: Don’t try to convince those most closest to you that they are missing something that you have or that they need to live life in a particular way. This is not the way to live your life. You need to learn to accept others – specifically children – for who they are and give them a chance to live abundantly. As a result you will also be living a life of abundance.