Release the Bowling Ball Inside Your Head

We for no reason accumulate a ton of worry inside our head.

It’s just builds up naturally adding weight to our minds. We continuously speculate about our past situation and probe about whether there is a brighter light in the future. We worry about anything and everything and do this every day – we worry about our job, marriage, well-being, children, parents, life, anything.

Now, it is natural to worry – but why do we torture ourselves by walking around with all this weight and building this huge bowling ball inside our head?

This worry is causing our heads to explode. It bears down on our bodies and slows us down.  We can’t mentally perform. Our ability to reason becomes impaired. We end up becoming the victim of all this weight. This impacts our health, our relationships, our jobs, our life.

Stop worrying. You are doing more damage to yourself than good.

Life is made of twists and turns and unexpected events that will never stop – this is why it’s called life.  Stop fighting your circumstance. Stop fighting anything that is not going your way.  Fighting is futile.

Accept the situation and release the bowling ball inside your head.

Everything inside your mind is a series of illusions that you can’t touch. You can’t even hold these “so called” problems in the palm of our hand. They are immaterial. These illusions consist of future assumptions, past memories, future thoughts, and past circumstances. Either things are done and are history, or you are thinking of your future.

You are speculating about a situation that is creating all this worry inside. You are comparing your past to the future which is creating all this pain inside. You are trying to create a fantasy that may be beyond your grasp creating all this pain inside.

The only way to kill the pain inside is to put yourself on a timetable in between your past and your future. This is where your mind can rest as there is nothing as the past or the future. This is where you will start to see things that you were blindly unable to see before. In this plane resides the lane for you to release your worries.

Sit still and breathe.

Your head will become lighter. You will notice a positive change in your attitude. This new found clarity inside your mind can be used to channel positive energy for yourself and others.

You can create positive change for good in this lane. You can overcome any obstacle in this lane. You can strike down any obstacle in this lane.

This lane resides within you but to find it you need to still your mind. How do you do this? Just focus on all the goodness within you. Be thankful for living. Focus on accepting your situation. Don’t fight anything.

Realize there is no future and there is no past. There is no such thing as worry in the lane where you breathe in and breathe out. Find this lane and you find joy.