Clean Your Environment to Think Positive

You are what you think.

Think negative, and all things negative will happen you. You will end up hanging around negative-thinking people. You will think you are the victim of negative things such as job loss, losing friends, breaking relationships. Nothing will go your way. You will be consumed by negativity. The world and everything around you will be dull, boring and without life.

Ponder over the following question: If you had the option to think positive or think negative, which one would you choose?

Did you know that thinking a certain way can create a world of extreme happiness for you? There is no art to thinking. You don’t need to take a course on Thinking 101 to understand this phenomenon. No one teaches you to think. You just do it.

Thinking positive is an act you can do in any given circumstance at any point in time. The key is training your mind to think positive. The problem begins when you open the door to your conscience and bring negativity into your life through your environment and those you hang around with. This is sadly what we do. By internally welcoming the negativity into our life we automatically close the door to what is positive.

I find it amusing when I talk to friends and family members about a particular action I am about to take, that that the first thing that comes out of their mouth are all the bad things that can happen.

For example, let’s say you want to take a risk and leave your 6-digit salary job with a company where you have been moving up the ladder to travel the world for a year. Let’s take this further. You now tell a select group of co-workers, friends and family members what you are going to do.

The responses will generally fluctuate between positive and negative. Some of your co-workers will probably think you are crazy for leaving a high-paying job that you are doing so well in. They will think you are leaving a really good company and really good pay.

Some co-workers will tell you to go for it just like some friends. Your parents and close family members will likely be the ones that will think this is not the best move for you and will likely add to negatively by thinking and then telling you about all the negative things that can go wrong while you are traveling such as getting sick, getting mugged, or getting lost.

This is where you need to learn to draw the line. The situation above is just a simple example and there are hundreds of situations more, but the bottom line is: only you know what is best for you as you are not paying others to think for you – everyone has a right to an opinion but they can’t make a preconceived assumption about an outcome that is unknown and doesn’t exist.

The question you need to ask is “what is the worst thing that can happen?” The truth is taking risk is where you start to live life. Thinking negative is a deterrent for positive change. You need to get out of the mundane and into the unexpected and deal with outcomes, whether positive or negative, as they arise naturally.

Thinking positive comes from looking at the brighter side of any action and repercussion of that action. Positive thinking is not just looking at a glass half full which is a great concept to learn, but looking at what you can do with what’s inside the glass right now to make your present situation the best thing for yourself.

There is no point to thinking negative as it is based on formulating outcomes that are unknown. We are only speculating, which is making pointless assumptions about a “supposed” turn of events toward a negative situation. But get this – the negative situation is a relative term – just like when you pooled your friends and family about the risk you were going to take and you got a flurry of negative and positive responses.

The truth is that the positive response is out there. It can sometimes be hidden. We may not be cognizant of this based on our environment and who we hang around with on a daily basis. Change your environment and friends to those who are more positive thinking and you take the immediate step to shift away from negative thinking. Just clean your environment completely.

Thinking positive is a choice you can automatically create. Those minds that think positive are in an environment and with people that breed positive thinking. Take this step and your negativity will slowly disappear.