Perfectly Flawed Individual

Isn’t it funny how some people just like you – and some people don’t.

I actually find it amusing when I get the feeling from those who don’t like me what the reason is behind why? Many:

  • Don’t like my attitude
  • Think I am lazy
  • Believe I am too complacent
  • Think I am too detailed oriented
  • Think I get upset or angry too easily
  • Don’t like my hair (I don’t have any :-))
  • Don’t like the way I dress
  • Don’t like how I eat
  • Dislike the way I drive
  • Don’t like the way I teach yoga
  • Think I am way too easy-going
  • Think I just think too much about things
  • Think I am indecisive
  • Think I am arrogant, selfish, and self-centered

Now. Now. What can I do? A tough world out there. I just have so many flaws. More flaws to please anyone.

Yet, funny thing is that I think I am perfect. 🙂

I mean people tell me I am:

  • Funny
  • Smart
  • Thoughtful
  • Caring
  • Friendly
  • Good-looking 🙂
  • Drive well
  • Have good manners
  • Teach yoga well
  • Make good decisions
  • Am cool, calm and collected
  • Listen well
  • Think I give sound advice
  • Know I am there for them

Gosh, sounds so confusing combined with all my flaws listed above! I guess if you put those flaws that people see outside me coupled with the perfection people see in me, you could say I am just a Perfectly Flawed Individual!

The problem with people is that they are extremely judgmental and picky. This is by nature. They will say things that they are struggling with and pick on you.  I think people must be confused. I mean how can some people like me and some not? Shouldn’t EVERYONE like me?

I think one major problem in the world is that there is so much diversity and too many choices – and it is this very fact where we are seeking diversity that our choices become confusing.

In the end, it’s one big spaghetti bowl of confusion. Should we like the Baskin-Robbins flavor of vanilla or Häagen-Dazs flavor of vanilla? Should we enjoy it in cup or a sugar cone? Should we skip them both all together and head to McDonald’s and go for the sundae?

Get my point?

Not everyone is going to like you. It is human nature. You can’t get away from anyone and fighting back is pointless. Your flaws are perfect and the way they were always intended to be. Focus on spending more time with those who recognize your perfect flaws.

You will have many a critic in your life. They will be a co-worker, boss, teacher, coach. Worse, they will be someone close to you like a sibling, parent, cousin, grandparent, uncle or aunt.

It’s impossible to stop everyone from being in your life. The family picnics will be around the corner. You will need to go to social events. You will need to integrate in school. You will need to integrate in life. You will have to work with others. Most events in life will call you to be with others, many who will find flaws in you.

They way you win is not by fighting back with strong words, raising a hand, or brandishing a weapon to those who don’t like you or don’t appreciate you. That is cowardly. Realize that the one person that needs to be on your side is YOU. No one else.

There is no such thing as a best friend. This is an illusion. Only you have the power to be your own best friend.

There is no such thing as being loved. This is an illusion. Only you have the power to love yourself.

There is no such thing as being accepted. This is an illusion. Only you have the power to accept yourself.

There is no such thing as an external critic. This is an illusion. Only you have the power to critique yourself.

This is no such thing as an imperfection. This is an illusion. Only you have the power to realize how whole and perfect you are.

The only person that can put you down is yourself. The only person that can beat you up is yourself. The only person that can drop you to the ground is yourself. The only person that pick you up is yourself. The only person that can motivate you is yourself. The only person that can lift you up is yourself.

Be yourself. Be imperfect. Embrace your flaws. Never view flaws as a shortcoming and you will see just how perfect you are.