Forget What Others’ Think and Experiment Yourself

It is a common theme these days to agree or disagree on a subject matter based on someone else’s opinion, thought, or position. Yet, what is building your position or opinion on certain topics such as the economy, money, relationships, international affairs, religion, government, and science to name a few?

In many cases our opinion is driven by those most closest to us – our parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, work colleagues and friends. In many cases there is a fine line between those who are convinced that their opinion is precise and those who don’t know if their position on an important topic is even accurate.

In some cases, our opinion is based on what we read or see on TV. This is dangerous as it is based on someone’s interpretation of what they think – and it leaves no room for debate as the news or article is broadcast one-way.

What is foundational in building opinion is the level of attachment we have based on what we read, who we are with, and what we see. However, we are scared to take position on matters on a basis of experimentation to gauge whether what we think even holds water. After all, a discussion or debate is just a perspective of opinion. It’s only in a crisis where our real belief comes to fruition.

For example, we can debate left and right between the age-old topic of abortion and the right to life and right to choose as it relates to society at large. However, what is the position as it relates to you? What if you were in a predicament where you are an advocate for the right to life but were dealt with a card where you had to choose death?

My point is a very simple one – discussions are great when talking about matters in general, but when it comes to personal matters that will impact you, your position and belief on where you stand on key issues may likely change. Note that I am not saying that your position will change, but it may change.

This simply means that there is a 50% chance that those around you will likely do the opposite of what they think once confronted with a real life matter that impacts their personal life – not society in general.

It’s important to remember where you initially stand on an issue may not be where you end up. We see this with some politicians saying one things and doing another only to get a vote. We see this with some corporate CEO’s instituting some new company perk only to take it away months later due to poor sales.  We see declaration of victory by some sports teams only to enter a match and lose horribly.

Get my point? It seems as if everything you are consuming from others should be taken with a “grain of salt.” This is why it is important to keep diversity rampant in your life when it comes to things you are reading, who are with, and extend your footprint beyond the walls of your home.

Given the debate these days on such topics as optimal ways of losing weight, the best diet, etc., it is evident that many of these cases are driven my personal experimentation that only carries water through individual action, not the action of others. So, what works for others is very likely not going to work for you.

Taking this further – what other people think, is likely not going to work for you either. To build opinion, you have to experiment with your thoughts, not the thoughts of others. Experimentation is not sitting in a bar or in your living room and having a discussion with like-minded individuals who are discussing matter’s that other wrote strongly about, that you advocate, without any personal impact.

Experimentation begins through action to go against what you think to validate you position. This is the only way to check the facts and build a position of what is true for you and eliminate what is false from others.